Using Python to Find Prime Numbers

What's a prime number?

A prime number is a natural number that's only divisible by 1 and itself.

Also, a composite number is a natural number with positive factors other than 1 and itself. Thus, we can conclude that a prime number is not a composite number by the definitions.

There are many algorithms to find prime numbers. First, we will introduce the simplest way to find prime numbers.

Determining whether a number is prime or not is not really very different from determining whether a number is composite or not. To determine whether a number is composite, it is by definition sufficient to find a factor other than 1 and itself. If we find such a factor m for a number n, i.e. m divides n, then we must have m < n. So we only need to find a factor of n in the range from 2 to n-1.

Here is the code:

However, this brute force algorithm will take a lot of time to find the prime numbers if the range is too large.

There is a better algorithm to save the time.

In ancient Greece, a mathematician called Eratosthenes proposed a method called the Eratosthenes sieve method. The Eratosthenes sieve method is a very classical algorithm for determining prime numbers and can be found in most of the various determinations of prime numbers that require exact solutions. Here I must repeat the long and fatal name of Eratosthenes many times to express my great respect for the great sage Eratosthenes. The ideas of the Eratosthenes sieve can be very illuminating, and the Eratosthenes sieve guides us in further narrowing the search for factors.

To do this, we need a more complex number theory derivation.

For a composite number n, we can show that it must have a non-trivial factor less than or equal to sqrt(n). A non-trivial factor here is a factor other than 1 and itself. If not, then all of its non-trivial factors are greater than sqrt(n). If we take any one of the non-trivial factors m which is different from n, then there exists an integer k such that n = km, then k is also a non-trivial factor of n, but k = n/m < sqrt(n), which is a contradiction, so the composite number n must have a non-trivial factor less than or equal to sqrt(n).

Thus, we only need to find the factors between 2 and [sqrt(n)], where [x] denotes floor function.

Note: [x] is the largest integer that is not greater than x.

Therefore, we can optimize our code to:

We can see that the effectiveness of the algorithm increases significantly.

However, it can still be optimized.

Since even numbers are divisible by 2, even numbers greater than 2 are not prime. Also, prime numbers greater than 2 are odd, so they don't have even factors. Therefore, we have:

Furthermore, we have a better algorithm which uses modulo 6.

Since any integer n modulo 6 is always between 0 and 5 inclusive, and we note that 6n, 6n+2, 6n+3, 6n+4 are not prime for all n greater than 0, so the positive integers that can be written in the form 6n+1 or 6n+5 are probably prime, i.e. the positive integers modulo 6 equal to 1 or 5 are probably prime. Also, we note that if the positive integers are not prime, then they will have a factor of the form 6k+1 or 6k+5, where k is a positive integer.

Therefore, we have:

Compared to the brute force algorithm, we can see that this algorithm is very fast at finding the prime numbers in a range. It only takes about 3 seconds to find all the prime numbers from 2 to 1000000, which is really amazing!

If you would like to test this algorithm, you can go to my web application and try it out for yourself:

You can also refer to the source code of my web application:


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